Dr. Bigras guest on the Maman sexo podcast

Dr. Bigras guest on the Maman sexo podcast

Our research director, Dr. Noémie Bigras, was a guest on the Maman sexo podcast. In this episode, she discusses the impact of childhood trauma on parenting. The episode describes traumas and their repercussions on attachment, sexuality, parenting, couples and intergenerational transmission. Dr. Bigras also explores the processes of repair, resilience and growth in individuals. To find out more, listen to…

Two new researchers join the SCOUP team

Two new researchers join the SCOUP team

Dr. Noémie Bigras, our Laboratory Director and Assistant Professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, is a new regular researcher on the SCOUP Team. She joins many of her colleagues and researchers in Quebec in the field of sexuality and couples. The SCOUP team, founded in 2016, organizes numerous events enabling exchanges between regular researchers and their students.

Fabiola Ngamaleu Teumeni, recipient of an Undergraduate Student Research Award

Fabiola Ngamaleu Teumeni, recipient of an Undergraduate Student Research Award

Congratulations to our member, Fabiola Ngamaleu Teumeni, on being awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) for the summer of 2024! This fellowship is designed to encourage undergraduate students to continue their studies at the graduate level by enabling them to gain research work experience in an academic setting. Fabiola is…

Our two graduate students receive SSHRC scholarships for 2024-2025

Our two graduate students receive SSHRC scholarships for 2024-2025

Two students from the laboratory have been awarded $17,500 Canada Graduate Scholarships at the master’s level for the 2024-2025 academic year. This scholarship, offered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), is designed to support students in the development of their research skills and training. Here are the names of the recipients and the title of their research…

New research grant obtained from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

New research grant obtained from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Marie-Ève Daspe and Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, two of our director’s collaborators, have been awarded a CIHR 2024-2028 research grant for a project entitled “Are we doing more harm? Psychological, self-reported, and observed emotional responses to couple sex therapy interventions in adults with a history of childhood sexual abuse and their partners.” Our laboratory director, Noémie Bigras, will be co-investigator on this…