Dr. Bigras guest on the Maman sexo podcast

Our research director, Dr. Noémie Bigras, was a guest on the Maman sexo podcast.

In this episode, she discusses the impact of childhood trauma on parenting. The episode describes traumas and their repercussions on attachment, sexuality, parenting, couples and intergenerational transmission. Dr. Bigras also explores the processes of repair, resilience and growth in individuals.

To find out more, listen to the episode “The impact of childhood trauma on parenting” from season 2 of the Maman sexo podcast. You can find the episode on the Spotify and Apple Podcasts platforms via the links below:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/46Kgyjml3cN4zC5bv0Xjxg?trackId=3wmnP7CY38ajyGfZUZ6vce

Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/limpact-des-traumas-%C3%A0-lenfance-sur-la-parentalit%C3%A9/id1705508728?i=1000657360000