Our laboratory director Noémie Bigras was interviewed by La Presse newspaper

Our laboratory director Dr. Bigras gave an interview to Silvia Galipeau of La Presse newspaper to discuss our new study: Couples60+. The article, published on Sunday March 3rd, details the objective of this new research project, which aims to paint a current portrait of seniors’ sexuality, and to do so from a positive angle. As our director Dr. Bigras points out, it is important to consider how sexuality can contribute to the well-being of older people, given that, as the population ages, everyone will live longer and continue to engage in intimate relationships.

To read the La Presse article, visit this link: https://www.lapresse.ca/societe/sexualite/2024-03-03/personnes-agees-sexualite-et-bien-etre.php

To take part in the Couples60+ study, complete this short questionnaire and we will be in touch as soon as possible: https://cripcas.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dm5UcF9KaHQU5DM

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